Thursday, June 4, 2020

Submitting Letters of Enthusiasm

Submitting Letters of Enthusiasm January 22 Deferred applicants should absolutely submit powerful Letters of Enthusiasm irrespective of what a college admissions office may say. Some students and parents have been writing to us of late stating that the schools to which they applied Early specifically said more or less that they didnt want to hear from deferred applicants. Theyre a bit confused because we suggest submitting Letters of Enthusiasm to universities that deferred a students candidacy until the Regular Decision round. Well, lets clear that up right here and now. Not everything that colleges tell you is correct. If youre a regular reader of our college admissions blog, you know well that well call just about anyone out for not being accurate or honest. We are unapologetic. Our honesty can be brutal and difficult to hear at times. But its honesty nonetheless and we wouldnt have it any other way. Ignore these colleges when they say dont submit Letters of Enthusiasm. They of course dont refer to these letters as Letters of Enthusiasm thats just a term we like to call them. And its a term that has really taken off! If youre a regular reader of our college admissions blog, you know that colleges send brochures to students in the hope of encouraging them to apply even though these students dont stand a chance of gaining admission. These colleges simply want to boost their application numbers so that theyll have lower admission rates and rank higher in the annual, all-important US News World Report rankings. Thats not exactly honest. Neither is touting need blind admissions policies. No college is need blind. Rather, they are need aware. While we can go on for quite a while on this subject, in short, if theyre need blind, then why can admissions officers see whether or not an applicant checked that he/she needs financial aid on the Common App.? Ask yourself this question as well: If a college were truly need blind, then couldnt they theoretically admit an entire class of students that needed financial aid? In such a case, theyd  have to significantly dip into their endowment. Colleges rely on tuitionthey cant truly be need blind! Its  a myth. Like Santa Claus. Anyhow, if youre a deferred applicant, its imperative that you submit a compelling Letter of Enthusiasm. An ordinary letter wont do. Submitting a letter in which you list all of your remarkable achievements since being deferred wont do (oy vey!). This letter has got to be extraordinary. It has got to be powerful and moving. If youre interested in Ivy Coachs assistance with your Letter of Enthusiasm, fill out our consult form and well write you back. Its also important that you get moving on submitting this letter if you havent done so already as you want the school reviewing your application now, with the Regular Decision pool.

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